#Points (Hashtag Points) is a social engagement platform where you can connect with the brands and institutions you love, complete fun Opps, and earn reward points to spend on cool rewards!

With #Points, you take opportunities, called Opps, created for you by your favorite brands!

Opps can be shared anywhere a URL (a web address) can be found – such as in a social media post, anywhere on the web, hidden around the world, or in a QR code – so keep an eye out!

Your favorite brands might even post Opps on their Opp Board in the #Points app, so come back to the #Points app often so you don’t miss an Opp!

By completing Opps in #Points, you earn custom reward points provided by your favorite brands!

All the reward points you earn are specific to these brands and can be exchanged in your favorite brand’s custom store on the #Points app and elsewhere if they choose!
What can you get with these reward points?
That’s all up to your favorite brands: they alone control what they put in their stores!

- Secure, frictionless email sign-on with no password to remember!
- Integrated with Social Media: discover and complete Opps on social media
- Opp Links: discover Opps in context, deeplinked into app